Lots of people struggling with eating issues are taken to 12 step, eating disorder recovery groups including Overeaters Anonymous. Many ask, “What is an Anorexic or Bulimic going to get out of an Overeaters Anonymous meeting?” More than you think…
Food Issues –
Though some may not admit it. Many anorexics and bulimics also struggle with compulsive overeating at some point. Once starvation and purging take their toll, the body becomes ravenous. Many binge and compulsively eat at one time or another. As well, those with food issues, whether they be anorexia, bulimia or compulsive overeating tend to have the same anxieties, negative cognition’s, fears and mental illnesses. In fact, there are more similarities between all the disorders than there are differences. The beauty of Overeaters Anonymous is “The only requirement for membership is a willingness to stop compulsively overeating.” The amount of wisdom and support in these meetings is priceless.
Anorexic and Bulimic Focus –
Overeaters Anonymous offers several types of meetings. Some are for :
- Newcomers – Those new to recovery and the 12 Step Process
- 100 Pounders – Those who have lost 100 pounds or more
- Maintainers – Those who have 5 years or more of recovery and are ‘maintaining’ it
- Book Study’s – These meetings focus on reading the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of OA
- Anorexic and Bulimic focus – Gathering those who have anorexic and bulimic tendencies
Recovery in Orange County, CA –
Orange County has some of the BEST eating disorder recovery support in the WORLD. Some clients have even relocated to Orange County post-recovery simply for the support at these meetings. These meetings gather women with years of recovery, integrity and wisdom. The exposure to these meetings and these strong women can lead to lasting eating disorder recovery.
The 12 Steps –
The 12 Steps are discussed and practiced in these meetings. The 12 Steps are where the women learn about honesty, integrity, respect, discipline and their own character defects they need to work on.
Sponsorship –
At Overeaters Anonymous the women find a ‘Sponsor’ someone who will lead them through the 12 Steps of recovery and support them on their eating disorder recovery journey. This person is available for phone calls, lunch meetings, walks and constant support.